The DQD Query Language

For a list of keywords used in DQD, see DQD keywords


LCP's query language DQD (Descriptive Query Definition) follows the idea of Entity-Relationship models. A DQD query defines sets of entities by listing logical constraints on their properties and on their relations to one another. The query engine then searches for those constellations of entities inside the selected corpus or corpora. Along the lines of first order logic, DQD includes quantors, which can be employed to enforce the existence or non-existence of constellations.

In addition to the declaration of sets of entities and their constraints, every query needs to specify at least one result set, which is either a (plain) list of entities comprising the query matches, a statistical or a collocational analysis.

Getting started

In a text corpus with standard annotations (viz the CoNLL-U format), a simple query for the occurrence of the word "dogs" would look like this:

Segment s

Token@s t
    form = "dogs"

result => plain

We proceed to explain this simple query below.

Instantiation and Scopes

Entities are instantiated by providing the name of their annotation layer, followed by a (unique) label, which can be used to reference the entity later on. The simple line Segment s instantiates an entity labeled s on the annotation layer Segment.

LCP allows corpus creators to use arbitrary annotation layer names, but Token and Segment are common default names. You can see the annotation layers in a corpus by looking at its diagram and reference them in your DQD query.

An entity is by default existantially quantified, and its scope ranges from its instanciation to the end of the query. This means that the query will only output results where a matching entity was found, and that occurrences of its label will refer back it anywhere in the query below its instantiation line.

Some exceptions exist, for example when entities are instantiated within the scope of a negative existential quantifier, or within the scope of a repeatable sequence. We will touch on those later.

The code above declares a second entity, labeled t, on the annotation layer named Token. The character-containment operator @ requires that the current entity (the token labeled t) be part of the entity whose label appears to the right of the operator (the segment labeled s). The use of this operator will become apparent later.

Scope is controled via indentation: in the code above, the constraint form = "dogs" is in the scope of the token instantiation, but the line that comes next (result => plain) is not in that scope, because the line was de-dented.


Simple constraints usually use the format left operator right; when the constraint appears in the scope of an entity, left and right can be the name of an attribute of that entity (attribute names need to be preceded by prefix. everywhere else, where prefix is the label of the target entity).

The constraint in the example above respects this schema, where left is form, operator is = and right is "dogs". LCP allows corpus creators to define arbitrary attributes for each layer, but form is mandatory on the token-level attribute. Because the constraint is in the scope of the token, form refers to the token attribute named "form": this constraint states that we are looking for token entities whose form must be "dogs".

Annotation layers can come with any number of attributes, but it is standard for tokens to also define an attribute named lemma. Had we used the constraint lemma = "dog" instead, we would have matched token occurrences whose form could be either "dog" or "dogs".

Attributes can have different types; in this illustration, both form and lemma are assumed to be strings. Accordingly, we surround the test value in double quotes. DQD does not accept string surrounded by single quotes. You can see the attributes of the annotation layers in a corpus by looking at its diagram and reference them in your DQD query.

Regular expressions

In addition to plain strings, DQD supports references to regular expressions by enclosing a string in forward slashes (/). For example, the constraint form = /^[Dd]ogs?$/ expresses that the form should be exactly one of "dog", "Dog", "dogs" or "Dogs".


To look for consecutive entities, such as a series of tokens, one can use the keyword sequence.


By default, each entity produce one match for each occurrence in the corpus. For example, if one sentence contains three occurrences of "dogs", the results will report three distinct hits for that sentence. To prevent that behavior, one can use the keyword set.


DQD queries come with a constraint part, and a results part. There are three types of results:

  1. plain
  2. analysis
  3. collocation

results matching ""

    No results matching ""